115 Most Powerful Affirmations For Achieving Goals

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Are you looking for affirmations for achieving goals? Do you need help in manifesting your thoughts so you can finally smash the goals you have set out for yourself?

Stay tuned, because the below positive affirmations for achieving goals will do exactly that!

When working toward your goals, you may have noticed that it can be hard to:

  • Stay positive
  • Keep your motivation high
  • Overcome obstacles
  • Reach success

Have you felt frustrated by this? Like no matter what you do, it’s not enough? No matter how hard you try, you keep failing?

I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I have set out to accomplish a goal, only to

And I would bet, since you’re reading this right now, you can probably resonate with that feeling. 

But don’t worry, these powerful affirmations for achieving goals have helped me immensely and I want them to help you too!

powerful manifestation words

Affirmations For Reaching Goals

Luckily for us, there is actually a tool you can use to help you achieve your goals, stay motivated, overcome obstacles, and more. That tool is daily affirmations! 

Yes, you read that right. You can use affirmations to achieve goals and make your dreams a reality!

Once you learn how to use affirmations for reaching goals, you’ll get to the next level faster than you ever could have imagined.

And trust me when I say nothing feels better than smashing your ultimate goals! 

And it won’t stop there. Positive affirmations can be used for goal setting too. You’ll be able to go on and set new goals and achieve new dreams in your life. 

Learn here how to set monthly goals in 3 simple steps!

So, if you’re ready to live the life of your dreams, let’s jump right in, starting with the 115 most powerful affirmations for achieving goals.

Further below you’ll get to know how exactly they work with goals.  

Disclaimer: Some of the links here are affiliate links and I may earn if you click on them, AT NO EXTRA cost to you. Hope you find the information here useful! Thanks.

115 Positive Affirmations For Achieving Goals

While it can be nice to write your own affirmations, it can be hard when you’re unsure exactly what to say.

I’ve put together this list of affirmation ideas you can start with. These will help you to stay focused on your goals and achieve them.

Pick your favorite and write them into our journal so you can look at them any time you need some motivation.

Related: Bullet Journal vs Planner [& Which One Is Better For You]

Affirmations For Reaching Goals

  • 1. I am ready, willing, and able to achieve all my goals. 
  • 2. I can do hard things. 
  • 3. I am worthy of the success I desire. 
  • 4. I will complete any goal I set my mind to. 
  • 5. I am focused, motivated, and committed. 
  • 6. I am good at setting SMART goals
  • 7. Every day, I take a new small step toward achieving my long-term goals. 
  • 8. My goals lead me in the right direction to live my best life. 
  • 9. I refuse to settle for less than I deserve.
  • 10. I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. 
  • 11. I may make mistakes and missteps, but I don’t quit. 
  • 12. I free myself from fears holding me back from reaching my full potential. 
  • 13. I rid myself of limiting beliefs that don’t serve my goals. 
  • 14. I am aligning my priorities and taking my life to the next level. 
  • 15. I am ready to do the hard work it will take to achieve my goals. 
  • 16. I am enjoying every moment of this journey I am on right now. 
  • 17. I have passion within me to have a successful outcome. 
  • 18. I have a clear plan of action that I am scratching away at every day. 
  • 19. All these little things are building up to a positive result. 
  • 20. Great things happen to me when I stay consistent with my goals. 

Positive Affirmations For Procrastination

  • 21. I wake up every single day ready to conquer my goals.
  • 22. Every day is a new day to work toward my goals. 
  • 23. My daily goals will ensure I reach my long-term goals.
  • 24. Setbacks are a great way to learn what doesn’t work so I can avoid them in the future. 
  • 25. I have the inner strength to navigate any challenge that comes my way. 
  • 26. I embrace mistakes as I work toward my goals because they provide learning opportunities for me. 
  • 27. I am filled with good ideas to overcome any obstacle. 
  • 28. The universe is sending opportunities my way that is aligned with my goals. 
  • 29. Beautiful things are happening to me right now. 
  • 30. I am consistent with all my goals. 
  • 31. I am living up to my true potential every day of my life. 
  • 32. All my actions are in perfect harmony with my goals. 
  • 33. I trust that I am on the path I am destined to travel. 
  • 34. I am committed to my goals. 
  • 35. Working toward my goals is energizing. 
  • 36. I release all fears holding me back from achieving my goals. 
  • 37. I release all limiting beliefs holding me back from achieving my goals. 
  • 38. I have everything I need within me to give myself a massive boost of motivation whenever I need it.

More Positive Affirmations To Achieve Goals

  • 39. I won’t be motivated to work on my goals every day, which is okay as long as I stay consistent. 
  • 40. I have the self-discipline I need to remain consistent with my goals. 
  • 41. I am capable of building new habits that support my goals. 
  • 42. I am deliberate with my time and effort toward my goals. 
  • 43. I have the perseverance to reach all my goals. 
  • 44. I am focused on taking the appropriate action toward my goals. 
  • 45. I am focused on the most essential things in my life, including my goals. 
  • 46. I concentrate all my efforts on what I want to accomplish. 
  • 47. I can work in my flow state whenever I wish. 
  • 48. My planning, action, and hard work will translate to achieving my desires.
  • 49. I feel confident in my goals, even when I need to ask for help. 
  • 50. I am confident to learn anything I need to achieve my goals. 
  • 51. I am happy doing things my way and don’t compare my journey to others. 
  • 52. I inspire others to do the same when I embody confidence in my goals. 
  • 53. I discover new levels of inner strength every day. 
  • 54. As long as I keep trying, I will continue to find more success. 
  • 55. I love who I am becoming. 
affirmations for achieving goals

More Goal Achieving Affirmations

  • 56. I am proud of myself for even daring to try.
  • 57. My heart knows the way, and I trust my instincts. 
  • 58. The more fun I have on my journey, the more success I have. 
  • 59. I can count on myself and the decisions I make entirely. 
  • 60. I place no limits on the amount of success I can achieve. 
  • 61. I honor my core values and priorities in pursuit of my goals. 
  • 62. I am filled with gratitude for the goals I have achieved. 
  • 63. I am grateful for all the support I have right now.
  • 64. I let go and allow the universe to support me and my goals however it sees fit. 
  • 65. I attract people who help me meet my goals. 
  • 66. I set goals that I am excited to achieve. 
  • 67. I am deeply connected to my goals and the journey I am on. 
  • 68. I inhale confidence and exhale fear as I take steps toward my goals every day. 
  • 69. I take pride in all the improvements I make in pursuit of my personal goals. 
  • 70. I do not worry about things that are out of my control. 
  • 71. I can take breaks on my way to success whenever I need to. 
  • 72. I am allowed to take things slowly. 
  • 73. All I need to do is take the next tiny step. 
  • 74. My path to achieving my goals is unique to me
  • 75. It doesn’t matter what other people think of me.
  • 76. I need to say ‘no’ to things that don’t help me achieve my goals.
  • 77. I need to show up for myself every day.

Affirmations For Goal Setting

  • 78. I don’t need to get everything done in one day.
  • 79. I focus on my to-do’s.
  • 80. I won’t let anyone or anything distract me.
  • 81. Comparing myself to other people won’t help me in achieving my goals.
  • 82. Celebrate every success.
  • 83. As long as I don’t quit, I don’t fail.
  • 84. My life goals are different to the life goals of others and that’s ok.
  • 85. I don’t always need to explain to others what goal I’m working on.
  • 86. I’m the most important person when it comes to reaching my goals.
  • 87. The way to success takes time and consistency.
  • 88. I have the power to change things.
  • 89. Bad things happen but I decide how I react to them.
  • 90. I don’t need anyone’s approval for achieving my goals.
  • 91. One step at a time.
  • 92. One day at a time.
  • 93. There are good days and bad days, but I will keep going.
  • 94. My life and the goals I want to achieve are important and valid.
  • 95. I am the strongest person I know.
  • 96. If someone isn’t good for me and my goals, I won’t see them anymore.
  • 97. Instead, I surround myself with people who support me.
  • 98. Challenges are good for me.
  • 99. I am worthy of success.
  • 100. I don’t live in the past.
  • 101. I like stepping out of my comfort zone so I can achieve my goals.

Affirmations For Accomplishing Goals

  • 101.I start every day with open eyes and an open heart.
  • 102. I don’t hold a grudge on past events or people.
  • 103. Every small goal has a good impact on my life.
  • 104. Every goal I achieve sets the base for a bigger goal.
  • 105. I am the master of my life.
  • 106. I can set the standards that help me achieve my goals.
  • 107. My way to success won’t always look fancy.
  • 108. The way to achieving a goal is sometimes more important than the goal itself.
  • 109. I attract what I believe in.
  • 110. I am proud of what I have already achieved.
  • 111. I am not jealous of others – everyone has a different path in life.
  • 112. I choose to not give up.
  • 113. I am strong, positive, and confident.
  • 114. I see every hurdle as a learning curve.
  • 115. I want to remain positive.
goal setting

These affirmatios for focus, goal setting and achieving help you to realize the most important things when it comes to achieving goals:

  • Put in the hard work
  • Stay focused
  • Be consistent (persistence is the key to success)
  • Eliminate distractions
  • Don’t compare yourself to others
  • You’re strong to achieve anything you want

AND: you’re allowed to take breaks and have a breather! Don’t be too hard on yourself.

You sometimes need a good rest to have the power to go again the next day.

If you realize this and pick some strong daily manifestation affirmations and write them down into your journal, there’s nothing stopping you from accomplishing your goals.

What Are Affirmations?

Some people will tell you that they are short, positive statements that you can repeat daily to help you manifest what you want.

Other people may tell you they are mantras you can tell yourself daily to become more positive and confident. 

There are so many definitions for affirmations.

Both of these are right, but I like to describe affirmations as neutral or positive statements you can repeat to yourself, as often as needed, to help you transform your mindset and behavior.

They act like a form of self-talk, enabling you to focus your thoughts on what you want. 

Different Kinds Of Affirmations

These are some of the different kinds of affirmations that can help you change many areas of your life:

  • Powerful manifestation affirmations for success
  • Powerful manifestation affirmations for money
  • Goals and dreams affirmations
  • Daily manifestation affirmations
  • Etc.

All those affirmations can make you more

  • Motivated
  • Disciplined
  • Confident
  • Successful
  • Powerful
  • Self-controlled
  • Committed

If you want to stick to your goals once and for all, use these self-discipline affirmations to stop yourself from failing over and over again!

powerful manifestation affirmations for money

Affirmations For Achieving Dreams

Have you ever noticed your mind running wild? This can happen often, thanks to our subconscious mind.

And while not all thoughts from our subconscious minds are necessarily bad, they aren’t always helpful either. 

For example, have you ever thought, “I don’t know what I am doing, so I should just stop,” or, “I’m not good enough, and everyone is going to be talking about me?” 

These thoughts can hold you back in life, especially your goals. After all, to achieve your goals, you need to be able to try new things, step out of your comfort zone, and so on.

It’s a lot harder to do that when your subconscious mind is chattering a bunch of negative self-talk. 

But with affirmations, you can powerfully counteract negative thoughts and replace them with positive, empowering ones.

Doing this helps you stay focused on the outcome you hope to achieve, increases your motivation, and inspire you to keep moving forward to achieve your dreams.

Why Use Positive Affirmations For Achieving Goals?

There can be a lot of discomfort when working toward new goals.

For starters, you might need to:

While doing these things may be great for you in the long run, staying motivated in the short term can be challenging. 

That’s where positive affirmations come in! 

How Positive Affirmations Can Help You

When used regularly, goal-achieving affirmations can help you:

  • Become more aware of your thoughts
  • Limit any self-doubt or negative thinking
  • Replace troublesome thoughts with inspiring ones
  • Move you toward positive change

If you hold any limiting beliefs about yourself, your abilities, your worthiness, and so on, positive affirmations to achieve goals can also help you overcome them.

daily manifestaion affirmations

Related: Barriers to achieving goals & how to overcome them

You’ll be able to recognize the false beliefs and replace them with ones that will help you make gradual progress in your life while ditching those doubts and fears that are holding you back. 

Affirmations can also help to keep your motivation high, even when the going gets tough.

When things become challenging, instead of giving up and telling yourself you can’t do it, repeat your positive affirmations to yourself and remind yourself why you are doing it in the first place. 

Setting goals and achieving them is basically a form of self-care (read here about the 8 areas of self-care).

By doing this, you are showing yourself respect and for what is important to you.

Change Your Mindset By Using Affirmations To Achieve Goals

With all that said, the key takeaway should be that achieving your goals can become more accessible than you ever thought possible when you acquire the right mindset.

And with affirmations, you can stay focused on what you want and keep your motivation high. 

But how do you get started? 

Here are a few tips! 

1. Know Your Goals

Before using affirmations to achieve dreams, you need to know your specific goals. Take time to think about what you want to achieve and why.

This will give your affirmations more power and make them more effective. 

2. Set Clear Goals

Once you know your goals, being as specific as possible is helpful. Instead of telling yourself, “I want to make more money,” try something like, “I will make $X by the end of the year.”

This specificity will help you stay focused on your goal and make it easier to stay motivated. 

3. Choose Affirmations That Resonate With You

Once you know your goals, you must choose affirmations that resonate with you. Choose affirmations that speak to your heart and align with the outcome you want to achieve.

It can also be beneficial to choose goal affirmations that will help you maintain positive energy, deal with negative emotions, overcome difficult times, and stay focused on your specific goal. 

4. Use Your Affirmations For Achieving Goals Daily

Finally, and perhaps the most important tip for using affirmations to achieve goals, is to repeat them daily.

You can repeat them as many times as you’d like throughout the day, but ensuring you’re doing it at least once will be valuable.

Research has shown consistency with affirmations is vital to seeing the results you want. 

manifestation words for success

How To Write Your Own Affirmations For Achieving Goals

I hope these positive affirmations for reaching goals have sparked some ideas for you, but it may also have inspired you to write your own achieving goals affirmations! 

Don’t worry; writing goals affirmations is pretty easy to do. 

I’ll show you how to write affirmations for manifestation + examples!

Writing Your Own Affirmations For Goals: Step 1

First and foremost, make sure you write your affirmations in the present tense. For example, instead of saying, “I will be successful,” say, “I am successful.”

Writing affirmations this way helps your subconscious mind to absorb the message more effectively and take it to heart. 

Writing Your Own Affirmations For Goals: Step 2

Next, make sure your affirmations use positive language. It’s much better to say, “I am attracting abundance into my life,” than “I’m not struggling with money anymore.”

Doing this will help you stay more positive and motivated as you work toward your goals. 

Writing Your Own Affirmations For Goals: Step 3

Finally, make sure your affirmations are personal to you. Instead of saying, “I am successful,” say, “I am achieving success in my career as a ____.”

That kind of specificity will help you stay focused and motivated. 

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What To Do With Positive Affirmations For Goals?

You’ve written your affirmations for achieving goals – and what now?

Now you need to learn to practice your affirmations. Get into the habit of repeating or reading them out aloud at least twice per day.

Especially at the start it’s important to practice your goal affirmatios often so they can manifest and become a part of your mindset.

Pick a time when you want to read your affirmatios for achieving goals. It’s good to incorporate this into your morning routine or evening routine.

Doing this as part of your daily routine makes it easier to stick to a new habit.

Affirmation Manifestation

Writing out your affirmations for achieving dreams helps you stay focused and motivated for the long haul.

And trust me, this will help you leaps and bounds regarding how quickly you achieve your goals and make those dreams a reality! 

I hope these powerful manifestation words have inspired you to start using affirmations to achieve goals.

With the right mindset and a few daily mantras, you can be well on your way to achieving your biggest goals. 

I know the future has good things in store for you, so good luck! 

FAQs To Affirmations For Achieving Goals

Do Affirmations For Success Work?

So – do affirmations for success work? Affirmations for success motivate and inspire you to get out of your comfort zone, develop new skills, and become more positive.

Even though affirmations don’t magically change your life, they certainly help you to be more confident and encourage you to live a better life.

What Happens If You Say Affirmations Everyday?

Are you wondering, what happens if you say affirmations everyday?

Repeating affirmations on a daily basis strengthens the belief in yourself as well as your abilities to become more successful and change your life.

By saying affirmations everyday, you overcome your self-doubt, self-sabotage, and anxiety.

About The Author Of Affirmations For Achieving Goals

Saskia is a mom, blogger, and freelance writer. She loves sharing tips on self-care, personal growth, and productivity & organization. Find out more about her or get in touch with her here.

affirmations for achieving goals

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